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Conference Schedule | 会议安排

Conference Schedule
The conference program should be available to download at least one month before the conference. 


Tentative Program

Day 1:April 25, 2025 (Friday) | 2025 年 4 月 25 日 (星期五) 
Collecting Conference Materials for Onsite Participants
Day 2:April 26, 2025 (Saturday) | 2025 年 4 月 26 日 (星期六) 
08:30-09:00 Opening Ceremony
09:00-09:40  Keynote Speakers I  
09:40-10:20  Keynote Speakers II  
10:20-11:00  Group Photo of Guests and Committees & Coffee Break 嘉宾及组委会集体照&茶歇 
11:00-11:40  Keynote Speakers III  
11:40-12:20   Keynote Speakers IV  
12:30-13:30  Lunch  
13:30-14:10  Keynote Speakers V  
14:10-14:50  Keynote Speakers VI  
14:50-15:30  Keynote Speakers VII  
15:30-16:10  Keynote Speakers VIII  
16:30-18:30 Poster Display
Poster Session: Power System Automation and
Power Electronics Technology 
18:30-20:00  Welcome Banquet & Awards Ceremony 欢迎晚宴&颁奖 
Day 3:April 27, 2025 (Sunday) | 2025 年 4 月 27 日 (星期日) 
08:30-10:30 Special Session 1 
08:30-10:30 Special Session 2 
08:30-10:30  Special Session 3 
08:30-10:30  Special Session 4 
10:30-10:40  Coffee Break 
10:40-12:10  Best Student Papers Competition I 
10:40-12:10  Best Student Papers Competition II 
10:40-12:10  Best Student Papers Competition III 
10:40-12:10  Best Student Papers Competition IV 
12:10-13:30  Lunch 
13:30-15:45  Technical Session 1-4 
16:00-18:00  Technical Session 5-8 


Presentation Guidelines

Each paper is allocated 15 minutes lecture sessions, including time for questions, session chair introductions, and any set up. Be prepared to begin your presentation as soon as the prior presenter has finished; it is important to keep on schedule. You should meet with your session chair during the break prior to your session. Copying your files to the computer before the session will also save you some time during your presentation.

Note: The presentation computer has ONLY a USB port. There is no CD-ROM or other disc drive.