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Invited Speakers | 特邀报告

CEEPE 2025 Invited Speakers  

Prof. Zhifang Yang | Chongqing University, China

杨知方 教授,重庆大学

Biography: Zhifang Yang is currently a Professor at Chongqing University. His research interests include power system optimizaiton and electricity markets. He has conducted multiple projects from NSFC, power companies and etc. He has published more than 60 journal papers as the first author or corresponding author. He has won multiple technical awards from Chongqing government, the Ministry of Education, and etc.


Assoc. Prof. Ershun Du | Tsinghua University, China

杜尔顺 副教授,清华大学

Biography: 2013年7月获清华大学工学学士学位,获并免试推荐直博,2018年7月获清华大学工学博士学位,2016~2017年赴美国国家可再生能源实验室做访问学者。2020年7月聘为清华大学低碳能源实验室研究系列助理教授,2023年3月起任清华大学气候变化与可持续发展研究院能源低碳转型研究主任,2023年12月晋升研究系列副教授。主要研究方向包括新型电力系统规划、复杂大电网模拟、高比例新能源消纳、低碳能源与电力政策等。累计发表论文100余篇,SCI论文50余篇,中英文论著多本,授权10余项国内外发明专利与软件著作权。主持国家自然科学基金面上基金、青年基金、博士后科学基金、国家重点实验室开放基金、清华大学自主科研计划等一系列纵向课题,作为技术骨干参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点基金项目,以及多项企事业科技项目等课题。政策建议多次获中央领导、科技部、能源局、生态部等批示或感谢信,被《国参建言》采纳。作为技术核心研发的新型电力系统模拟与规划软件已广泛应用于我国十余个省级电网,研究成果被国内外媒体多次报道。荣获日内瓦国际发明展金奖、青海省科技进步一等奖、北京市科技进步二等奖、江苏省电力科学技术进步一等奖等奖励。入选四川省天府峨眉人才支持计划、全国博士后创新人才支持计划、北京市科协青年人才托举计划等。研究成果受到国外广泛关注和认可,被美国科学促进会(AAAS,Science 杂志主办方)科技新闻平台、国际能源署 IEA SolarPACES 项目网站等做专题报道。作为执行负责人主持与参与多项国际项目合作,比如:清华-剑桥的能源转型风险分析项目、清华-哈佛深度脱碳技术创新与政策比较研究项目、美国国家可再生能源实验室(NREL)的储能效益分析项目、全球能源互联网发展合作组织(GEIDCO)的未来储能体系研究项目、国际大电网组织(CIGRE)的C1.44工作组合作研究等。
IEEE Member, CIGRE Member, CIGRE C1.44工作组专家成员,担任国际SCI期刊IET Renewable Power Generation编委,Processes编委, 担任IEEE Trans. Power Systems、IEEE Trans. Smart Grid、IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy、IET Generation Transmission & Distribution等多个国际期刊审稿人,同时担任国内期刊《中国电机工程学报》、《电力系统自动化》、《电网技术》等审稿人。多次担任国际学术会议的技术委员会成员以及分会场主持人。


Assoc. Jianxiao Wang | Peking University, China


Biography: Jianxiao Wang (M'19-SM'24) received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2014 and 2019. He was a visiting researcher at Stanford University, CA, USA. He is currently an Associate Professor awarded Boya Young Fellow with Peking University, Beijing, China. His research interests include data-centric AI and optimization for smart grid and energy storage. He has published in top journals including Nature Sustainability, Nature Communications, The Innovation, Patterns, etc. He received IEEE PES Outstanding Volunteer Award in 2021.He is leading Excellent Young Scholar Fund of National Science Foundation of China, and Young Scientist Program of National Key Research and Development Program of China. He is a Youth Editor of Cell The Innovation, an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, IET Renewable Power Generation, IET Energy Conversion and Economics, and etc.


Assoc. Prof. Yu Zheng | Wuhan University, China

郑宇 副教授,武汉大学

Biography: Yu Zheng was born in 1992. He is an Associate Professor at Wuhan University and was selected for the 5th batch of the "Bo Xin Plan" by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. He obtained his Bachelor's and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering from Wuhan University between 2010 and 2020. From 2018 to 2019, he participated in a joint Ph.D. training program at the High Voltage Institute of the China Electric Power Research Institute. He then conducted postdoctoral research at Wuhan University from 2020 to 2024 and has continued to work at the university since then. He is the Secretary of the Electrical Equipment Digital Twin Working Group of the IEEE PES Subcommittee on Power Transmission and Distribution, a member of the Electrical Testing Subcommittee of the China Electrotechnical Society, and a Youth Committee member of the Plasma and Applications Subcommittee of the China Electrotechnical Society. He has led two national-level projects and several projects from the State Grid and Southern Grid companies. He has published more than 20 SCI/EI papers, holds 8 authorized patents, and has received the First Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress from the China Electrotechnical Society and the First Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress from State Grid Corporation of China.