Chair: Assoc. Prof. Mingze Zhang, Harbin University of Science and Technology, China
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mingze Zhang serves as a master’s supervisor. He is also the Secretary and Deputy Director of the Institute of Power System and Its Automation at Harbin University of Science and Technology. He graduated from Dalian University of Technology in 2024 with a major in Power System and Its Automation, and his PhD supervisor is Professor Weidong Li. His main research interest is frequency security analysis and operation control for new power systems, with a particular focus on theoretical issues related to power system dispatch and control considering frequency security and frequency spatial-temporal distribution.
As the project leader, He is researching 1 project for Heilongjiang Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 1 project from the Education Department of Heilongjiang Province, and 1 project for State Grid Corporation of China. As the topic leader, He is researching 1 project for National Key Research and Development Program of Heilongjiang. As the project executive director, He has participated 1 joint fund key project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 general project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and 10 projects of State Grid Corporation of China. He has published 25 papers indexed by SCI/EI. His ORCID is 0000-0001-5201-1674.
In addition, he serves as an editorial board member for international journals in Journal of Energy Science and Technology, Clean Energy Science and Technology, Journal of Electrochemistry, and Energy Lab, as the Managing Guest Editor in Energy Reports, and he is an invited reviewer for some international journals such as Energy, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, Electric Power Systems Research, and Journal of Electrochemistry. He is also a sub-committees chairman for international conferences in the field of electrical engineering such as CSCSG, CEECT, ICPEA, EI2, ICSGSC, EPEE, ICEI, ICPE, ICET.
Co-chair: Dr. Jiakai Shen, China Electric Power Research Institute, China
Jiakai Shen was born in June 1991 and received the Ph.D. degrees in power system and its automation from Dalian University of Technology, in 2022. Now, he has obtained the IET Chartered Engineer and works at China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd, where he is responsible for the technical consulting business. He has long been engaged in research on safety and stability modeling, analysis and control of new type power systems. He has participated in five government sponsored researches and more than ten horizontal scientific research projects at home and abroad. He has published more than 20 SCI/EI papers and has received or authorized 30 national invention patents. He also has long served as a reviewer for journals such as Power System Technology and Electric Power Automation Equipment,etc..
Co-chair: Mr. Xian Wu, Northeast Branch of State Grid Corporation of China, China
Xian Wu, was born in February 1997, and received the master's degree in Power System and Automation from Dalian University of Technology in 2022. Now, he serves as a specialist in dispatch operation at the Northeast Branch of State Grid, where he is responsible for regional grid security dispatch, reliable power supply and clean energy absorption. He has long been engaged in research on frequency stability analysis and control in new type power systems. He has led and participated in more than ten government-funded research projects and scientific research projects sponsored by State Grid. He has published over 10 SCI/EI papers and national invention patents.
Co-chair: Dr. Feixiang Peng, Anhui University, China
Feixiang Peng received the Ph.D. degrees in power system and its automation from Dalian University of Technology, in 2021. Now, he is a lecturer in Anhui University. His research interests include optimal dispatch of new power systems and bidding strategy decision-making in electricity markets.
As the project leader, he is undertaking one project from Education Department of Anhui Provincial, and one project from State Grid Corporation of China. He is also an invited reviewer for some international journals such as Applied Energy, Energy, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments.